
TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft. It’s a superset of JavaScript that adds optional static typing and other features, making it easier to build large-scale, complex web applications. TypeScript code can be transpiled to standard JavaScript, allowing it to run on any browser or JavaScript engine.

TypeScript includes many features common in object-oriented programming languages, such as classes, interfaces, and inheritance. It also includes features specific to TypeScript, such as type annotations, generics, and type guards. These features enable developers to write more maintainable, scalable code and easier to refactor.

TypeScript has gained popularity recently as a contender for JavaScript and is widely used in many large-scale web applications, including Angular, Vue.js, and Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code. Overall, TypeScript is a powerful language that offers many benefits over plain JavaScript, making it a popular choice for web development.

This section will discuss the history behind TypeScript, its close relation and advantages over JavaScript, its installation and configuration, usage of the most relevant IDEs with their respective extensions, syntax, data structures, methods, some of the most used libraries, its most relevant use cases, and more.

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