R is a multi-paradigm programming language used specifically in statistical modeling & computing. Since its creation, it has been widely adopted by statisticians and academics and is currently the preferred language for this purpose.

In this section, we will discuss its installation and configuration, the use of RStudio being its most popular IDE, the most used Statistics, Data Science & Machine Learning libraries, Statistical Modeling & Visualizations, and more.

We live in an era where reliable data has become an invaluable asset. We’re constantly bombarded with information from…
In today’s world, we’re constantly being bombarded with information from countless sources – news outlets, social media, blogs, etc….
As we continue our collective programming journey, building on the foundation of intermediate programming, we’re ready to venture into…
Programming is an essential tool for innovation in the digital age, with businesses and organizations across all industries relying…
As our world becomes more complex, programming has also grown in complexity; developing a deeper technical understanding to tackle…
Data science has its roots in statistics, computer science, and data analysis in the 1960s. It has since evolved…
A couple of months ago, I had an idea; to create a place where people could learn Data Science…

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