Working With Type Parameters in Scala

Enhancing code flexibility and enabling generic programming for diverse data types.
def myGenericAdditionFun[T](x: T, y: T): Int = 
    // Casting for x
    val myMatchX = x match
        case x: Int => x
        case x: Double => x.toInt
        case x: String => x.toInt
        case x: Char => x.asDigit
        case x: Boolean => if (x) 1 else 0

    // Casting for x
    val myMatchY = y match
        case y: Int => y
        case y: Double => y.toInt
        case y: String => y.toInt
        case y: Char => y.asDigit
        case y: Boolean => if (y) 1 else 0

    // Return addition
    myMatchX + myMatchY

myGenericAdditionFun(1, 2) 			// res0: Int = 3
myGenericAdditionFun(1.1, 2.2) 		// res1: Int = 3
myGenericAdditionFun('1', '2') 		// res2: Int = 3
myGenericAdditionFun("1", "2") 		// res3: Int = 3
myGenericAdditionFun(true, false) 	// res4: Int = 1
myGenericAdditionFun(true, true) 	// res5: Int = 2
myGenericAdditionFun(false, false) 	// res6: Int = 0
myGenericAdditionFun(1, '2') 		// res7: Int = 3
myGenericAdditionFun("1", '2') 		// res8: Int = 3
myGenericAdditionFun(1.4, '2') 		// res9: Int = 3
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